Posts tagged affordable
Letterpress Business Cards!

We LOVE printing business cards! Nothing more fun than running up some fun, funky little designs and getting to work with great clients in the process. Brewery business cards have been really big this past month thanks to the Portland based Craft Brewers Conference which went down a couple weeks back. Here are a couple of the cards we ran along with a few others from recent past.


If you're a business or individual looking for letterpress business cards, look no further. Dick & Jane Letterpress offers every possible finish you can imagine and we think our prices are pretty darn good too!


Affordable Letterpress Printing

Dick and Jane Letterpress offers the nations most affordable letterpress printing. Our up-front, no-hassle pricing offers brides a quick and easy browsing/shopping experience. Select your favorite design, view our prices, get a quote... it's that simple! Here are a few general rules of thumb when considering all the different sizes.

1. An A7 is the most common size for Wedding Invitations. 2. An A1 is the most common size for your rsvp. 3. While an RSVP postcard is definitely super cool - it can often be more expensive than a standard A1 and envelope because a postcard usually requires printing on both sides. 4. Can you switch up sizes for something more outside the norm... ABSOLUTELY. Just be sure to consider envelope size restrictions. 5. Accompanying cards can come in any size you want. It all depends on how much info you want to fit.

Dick and Jane Letterpress wishes you all a great wedding day!

Letterpress Shop Pics

Just a few images we snapped over the last week or so. Although running a letterpress shop all day takes a lot of focus and attention, we always squeeze in time to play with our baby boy, Sonny. Usually, he's hanging out in the lounge area tearing up dads books!

Sweet Letterpress Save The Dates

Here's a quick pic of the recent letterpress save-the-date cards we finished for Matthew and Erin Sweet. Navy blue ink on Crane Lettra 110# Pearl paper. The calendar layout with the old style figures always prints so beautifully. Thanks for visiting the letterpress blog. Be sure to check us out regularly! - xo DJL

Traditional Meets Extraordinary Minneapolis Wedding Invitations!

We recently finished an invitation order for the Peterson wedding. The bride and groom came in with the brides mother. The four of us sat down over a coffee and notepad where we discussed their particularly stylish taste unlike anything we had ever really attempted before.letterpress-invitations-gold1



The couple expressed their adoration for the traditional calligraphy/script type style however it was obvious that the two of them were a little more daring than leaving it at that. They continued to tell me about the ceremony being held at the super cool Gold Medal Flour building in Minneapolis, MN. I had recently been looking at pictures of the giant sign still mounted to the top of the roof so I was quite familiar with the allure of the building. The Petersons wanted to somehow incorporate the building into the invitation suite but do it tastefully.

After some back and forth we came up with the pictured design. We combined a blind emboss (no-ink) with an elegant script in formal black. At first glance, the invitees would not quite notice the full-bleed Gold Medal Flour sign quietly slipped in behind the script text. Also, if you lay each piece down on the table, the pieces reassemble like a puzzle to reveal one large sign which runs the width of both the invite, rsvp, and tidbit card. This was by far one of our most fun designs of the year. Thanks so much to the Petersons for being so daring. xoxo - DJL

Celebrating Independence Day with Dick and Jane

Greetings all you charming letterpress people. Dick and Jane celebrated this 4th of July with the community of Saint Anthony Park. Each year local business owners and the neighborhood come together to celebrate Independence Day with a parade and good old fashioned fun. We rolled a proof press out onto the street and printed up free letterpress posters with the folks from the neighborhood. The image above shows a final print now hanging in the shop. Over the holiday we captured some videos documenting letterpress printing and our community. Check it out!

(above) Captured in this video is Katie Evans at Dick and Jane Letterpress. Katie is cutting down a big block of linoleum for the proof printing poster project for 4th of July, 2009! The posters will be printed on the recently refurbished Challenge proof press. It's a little bit of a departure from our regular letterpress wedding invitation printing but overall, it's good fun for the kids.

(above) Watch as I (brian durk) print on the challenge proof press incorporating linoleum cuts and wood type. It was a patriotic day for letterpress printing!

xoxo - DJL

Letterpress Wedding Invitations on Youtube by DJL

Howdy everyone!

Here's another installment in our letterpress short films. This one includes a bit of time lapse video depicting owner, Brian Durk printing letterpress wedding invitations in a sage green on lettra pearl stock up in the front shop window. This order was completed for the Kampa wedding and will ultimately be assembled in a pocket folder with a really amazing letterpress monogram face card. We'll be doing another video shortly showing a "how-to" quick assembly of letterpress invitations in a pocket fold so check back in a few days!

Audio track by none other then the talented Mr. Tim Williams. Be sure to watch in HQ for best quality!

xo - DJL